Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Creative Loops

I find that all of my creative pursuits seem to follow a cycle. On, off, on, continuous loops. I write, crochet, or read voraciously for a bit and then, when I finish a project or get to a stopping point, I slow down or stop. A little later, I pick it all up again. 

 For the longest time, I thought something was wrong with me. I would watch friends seemingly remain steadfast and consistent in their pursuits, while I seemed to be intermittent. If I truly feel so passionate about my creative activities, I often wondered, then why do I have these times of inactivity? Sometimes I felt like an imposter. Self-doubt would creep in. I would think that perhaps I am not really a "true" writer, crocheter, avid reader, etc. I felt shame and guilt around these thoughts. 

 I realize now, though, that times of creative "rest" do not discredit me as a writer, crocheter, reader, etc. In fact, I believe that, for me, these times are when the creative part of my brain recharges and preps for the next go around. Perhaps these times of "rest" also allow me to observe all that is around me to see what other creative avenues interest me. I have one creative life. I would like to sample lots of creative pursuits. Some will stick, some will fall away, but I will love the journey of discovering life through my creative activities. 

 I will always be a writer, crocheter, and reader, although I may not always be in the middle of a project or writing/reading every day. This is okay. I enjoy what I do, and I love savoring the feeling of satisfaction that comes from a completed project. I am learning to flow with the creative loops in my life. How sweet the ride!

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