Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Pruning Limb and Life

It was a beautiful lilac limb, lush and green. It had contained several flower blossoms in the spring. However, it grew so long and low that it was interfering with the sun and rain that the neighboring peonies and jalapeno pepper plants need. It pulled on the main branch from which it sprouted.

It hurt to cut it off. 

My husband and I did it anyway. 

We saw an immediate improvement in the appearance of the shrub, and although this sounds a bit far-fetched, I could almost imagine the lilac and all of the plants around it breathing a sigh of relief. I know that pruning that limb helped the entire plant community in that area of the yard. 

It got me to thinking. 

What heavy limb am I hanging on to?

Perhaps that limb is lush and full of life, but perhaps it is also weighing me down and shading other areas of my life that cannot thrive under its crowding. 

It's going to hurt, but I am going to have to cut if off. 

When that happens, will I, along with all of the people closest to me, breathe a sigh of relief? I wonder.

Until next time,
