-worlds turn upside down
-priorities change
-some things become more important
-some things no longer matter at all
-vision sharpens
-clouds part
-truth is revealed
Love is what matters. All else falls away.
In the past few weeks, many things have changed in the lives of some of my relatives and friends. Some received life changing medical diagnoses while others decided to close long-running chapters in their lives and begin new stories. The pebbles that dropped into their lives are creating ripples that touch all of the lives close to them.
Like a river, realities change course. It may be by force or by choice. It can be bittersweet or completely heart wrenching. Change inspires an examination of life: priorities, goals, what has been, and what can be. It is a reflective experience.
I send much love and good thoughts to all of the relatives and friends going through life changes right now. Your strength and courage inspire those around you and give all of us a reason to pause and put things in order in our own lives. You are strong, you are brave, you are loved.
Until next time,